
Thursday, November 11, 2021


 Purpose: Narrative

Audience: Blog


One day this creature was born his name was spider cat, he has fur like a lion, and is fast as a cheetah, has eyes like a cat, and legs like a spider, he lives at school and eats all the naughty kids, he allso protects all the good kids, but one day a swarm of bees came to school and then everybody had to go down under tables, then spider cat told the swarm of bee to go away then the swarm of bees attacked spider cat and then the bees went away, then the next week it was lunchtime and then a grey looking dog came to school to have the children for lunch but then lunch was cancelled, then every body watched the dog roaming around of school, then spider cat came to help but then he got chewed up but he was still alive and then the dog went away.

P2 he's leaving?

Everybody rushed out to see if spider cat was ok but luckily he was ok, and then he decided to not go out to try fight the things that come to school, then he decided to leave the school and go on his own journey to see what is outside school. so spidercat started to pack up all his photos and other stuff and then get ready to leave the school forever, the next day every body was missing Spidercat they didn’t really worry about their work that much, but then the teacher brought a bunch of cats to class it made the kids even more sad about spider cat.

P3 Spider Cat

The next day some people went to school they were wearing ski masks and had knives in their hands, they went to the office and then said to Dawn the office lady and said open the cash register then Spidercat came back because he forgot something and then everybody said robbers are in the office and then Spidercat said i am not a hero and then the kids said yes you are and then Spidercat went into the office and then he talked to the robbers and then he remembered about the dog and the bees, then spider cat grabbed their knives then, he told them to leave but then the robbers said no you little creep, then that hurt Sidercats feelings and then he dropped the knives and then Spidercat climbs on one and the he uses his special move to knock them out he talked to them and then Spidercat hit one in the neck and one of them got knocked out and then he did the same to the other one and then the teacher called the police and then the police took the robbers to jail and then Spidercat went to go on his big adventure.

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